General English – Beginners Lesson 4 – Occupations

April 17, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

General English – Beginners Lesson 4 – Occupations


1.   A doctor
2.   A musician
3.   A flight attendant
4.   A teacher
5.   An architect
6.   An actor
7.   A flight attendant
8.   An athlete
9.   A banker
10. An artist

Positive Statements

-    I am an artist.
 -  I’m an artist.
-    Note – I’m = I am
-    He is a banker.
-     He’s a banker.
-    Note – He’s = He is.
-    They are flight attendants.
- They’re flight attendants.
-    Note -They’re = They are


 I      am
He     is
She    is
 It      is
  We     are
  You     are
  They    are


I’m = I am
He’s = He is
She’s = She is
It’s = It is
We’re = We are
They’re = They are
You’re = You are

Negative Statements

-    She is not a teacher.
-     She’s not a teacher.
-    She isn’t a teacher.
-    We are not artists.
-    We’re not artists.
-    We aren’t artists.
-    You are not an actor.
-    You’re not an actor.
-    You aren’t an actor.


I am not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not


I’m not = I am not
He’s not, He isn’t = He is not
She’s not, She isn’t = She is not
It’s not, It isn’t = It is not
We’re not, We aren’t= We are not
They’re not, They aren’t = They are not
You’re not, You aren’t = You are not

NOTE – Articles a/an

-    Use the article ‘a’ when words begin with the following consonants:
-    b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.
-    A doctor.

-    Use the article an’ when words begin with the following vowels:
-    a, e, i, o, u.
-    An artist

Conversation EXAMPLE

ROCIO: What do you do?
 SAM: I’m a banker. And you?
ROCIO: I’m an artist.