April 17, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-
Please read the article from the BBC. The link to BBC's website is at the top & bottom of the page and answer the following questions:

1.   Where is Ecuador?
2.  What was the magnitude of the earthquake that hit Ecuador?
3.  What was destroyed?
4.  President Rafael Carrea has decreed a state of emergency. What does this mean?
5.  How many people died and how many people were injured in the tragic earthquake?
6.  Is there still a risk of a Tsunami?
7.  How can people around the world help the people of Ecuador?
8.  Where was the quake also felt?
9.  What did a Quito resident Cristian Ibarra Santillan tell the BBC?
10.  Can you find five adjectives to describe this tragic natural disaster?

 Our prayers at ENGLISH MADE EASY go out to the people of Ecuador.