April 09, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Nouns are probably the most important out of all the parts of speech. 

A Noun is a word that identifies one of the following:
-       People - John loves to go to school.
-       Places - Oxford is a famous University.
-       Things - I bought a new car.
-       Ideas  Love is what makes the world a better place.

Nouns are words that name people, places, things or ideas.

A wonderful List of Nouns
-       Country
-       Building
-       Dog
-       America
-       Wealth
-       Love
-       Happiness
-       Milk
-       Rice
-       Movies
-       Table
-       Audience
-       Village
-       Hero
-       Tiger’s
-       Mum’s car
-       Pride
-       Fear
-       Water
-       Crisps
-       Eyelashes

Now all the Nouns above are part of a specific Noun Category and some can belong to more than one category. Noun Categories help us describe and classify nouns. Please go to my next lesson on Nouns to learn about Noun Categories and become an expert on them yourself!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at